I draw much of my photographic inspiration from the little moments the world gives me. I live for bits of magical time. Moments like these hammer on the wall of reality. The cracks created from this force opens a door to a world of surreal reverie. These types of images play on the human soul in the same way a guitar cord vibrates of the hands of a skilled musician. They can bring tears to your eyes or transport your emotions to a place far away.
Bassist - 6th Street, Austin, TX - SXSW
Cheerleaders - Milan Pusker Studium - WVU vs Oklahoma Football
Club Dancer - 6th Street, Austin, TX - SXSW
Musician - Hilary Kay - Wellsburg, WV - WVU Bluegrass Band
The past few years have marked a move in my photography from purely representational image making to a more motivated exploration of the constructed image. The natural place for this study has been with the portrait. Whether in the studio, the subject’s natural environment, or capturing someone in one perfect moment of light, making this type of work challenges my natural introvert tendencies and force me to engage with my subjects
From Top Left: Matthew Byrd, Karen Culcasi, Kate Lewis, Marc Besch, Paul Raines, Leslie Boorhem-Stephenson